Recover Athletics

Piriformis Syndrome Blog Hero

The best exercises for piriformis syndrome in runners

Why did I get piriformis syndrome from running?

You run a lot, now your butt aches. First, we’ll discuss the cause, then we can get into the best exercises for piriformis syndrome. Like most running injuries, Piriformis Syndrome occurs when you run slightly beyond your body’s training tolerance. This usually means more mileage or more pace than your legs were ready for.

Most likely, your hip external rotators were overloaded and now they’re pissed off. Depending on your anatomy, these muscles might also be interacting with the sciatic nerve. The sciatic runs down your leg, so if you feel deep ache in the hip and/or paresthesia (an abnormal tingling or sensation) traveling down the back of the thigh and into the calf and foot, now you know why.

This condition can be annoying, but thankfully fixing it isn’t complicated. Exercise therapy, namely hip STRENGTHENING is the best thing runners can do!

What can you do about it?

Pain like this shows up because you exceeded your body’s training tolerance. If you get stronger, you’ll increase that tolerance and the pain will most likely go away. Committing to strengthening the key muscles involved will allow you to come back stronger than ever. 

The best exercises for Piriformis Syndrome!

You’re going to want to do these 3 exercises two times per week to start. You may start to feel immediate benefits, but as always, stop if it hurts or gets worse. Now, let’s get into it!

Exercise 1: Side Lying Abduction

piriformis exercise 1 side lying abduction

Why it works: this is the tried and true, well researched, exercise to strengthen your hip external rotators. You might find it challenging but go slow to build maximum strength.

Exercise 2: Bridging with Alternating March

piriformis exercise 2 bridging with alternating march

Why it works: This exercise both challenges the glutes and engages the core. The hip flexors also play an important role in Piriformis Syndrome, and a strong core takes pressure off those hip flexors. Be sure to squeeze your butt at the top!

Exercise 3: Split squats

piriformis exercise 3 split squats

Why it works: This is a final challenge to your quads and hip external rotators. It also requires some balance and strength from the other leg, so it’s a good movement that mimics running.

Want these exercises in a custom routine that matches your training goals and existing strength? Try the Recover Athletics app for free!

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To be totally honest with you, we want to start a revolution. A revolution against the old attitude that “injuries are a part of the sport.” Millions of runners have to miss training days due to injury ever year. It simply doesn’t have to be that way, and we’re going to change it. Learn more about our team of Olympians and Doctors by clicking here.

Want to learn more about healthy running? Check out out our other injury prevention articles here.

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